Sunday, August 15, 2010

This and That

Night ride to the bus!

Getting ready for Jack!

Me and Jame up at the land

It's been a while and there is a lot to catch up on! We have mostly been doing lots of summer things, camping BBQ'ing, and hanging out. I am getting kind of sick of the heat though, I am so ready for it to be fall. My favorite time of the year!

We went to the Jack Johnson concert on Friday the 13th, and it was so fun! We had such a good time we are looking into going and seeing him again in October in either Washington or Arizona. We're pretty big fans :)

We are so close to getting the basement finished too! We just got carpet a couple of weeks ago, and I love it. I want it throughout the rest of our house. I am pretty sure Dakota about had a heart attack when I told him I already wanted new carpet! Just some things left to finish up in the bathroom and the house will be 100% finished. However, there is always something to do. Dakota's latest project is re-doing the lights in the never ends! But the guest rooms are ready, so bring on the guests!